
Re-purposer, Recycler, Re-imaginer:  These are what I like to think I am.  The carbon footprint we leave on earth should be as minimal as can be, we have to conserve and replace what we take from the earth.  It is incumbent on us to show youth on how we can create wonderful projects using found items, making things out of literally nothing.

My father raised me to be aware of how your imagination can fly with very little materials.  He kept a drawer in his bureau of things he saved, i.e. plastic bottle caps, empty ball point pens, string, rubber erasers, gaskets, small things that should be thrown away.  It was my treasure box and when I was looking for something to augment a class project or something to fix anything broken, I would rummage through his drawer.  He was McGyver, the original gadget guy who could figure out how to fix things from found objects. I was never lacking in things to play with or to busy myself with.

I like to think that I can reinvent, re-imagine things in my house, make jewelry, bags, scarves, art objects from discarded paper, string, beads, bottle caps and all sorts of sundries that would normally be discarded. Rubber tires and inner tubes from bicycles, electronic cables, cords and earbuds from earphones have never been spared of being upcycled.  Old posters, art books, pencils, computer parts have not been sitting idly in my computer lab, they have been all recycled into something useful or ornamental.

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