Tag Archives: Ulingan

People as Garbage

Damn the country that makes this possible. Where are the government services that allow this to happen?
Ulingan, Tondo by Port Area Manila is so impoverished by the urban migrant workers and dwellers that it needs to be attended to right away. There are hordes of people, very poor people that live like sewer rats by the piles of wooden crates and discarded pallets from ships that dock in the ports. Women are in little makeshift stores where soda and flat cookies are sold. The main source of livelihood here is the making of charcoal. Children collect wood pieces from discarded crates. They run around naked and unattended by adults, they roam on the streets and interstices of the expansive shanty town, broken cargo trucks, shipping containers and sooty tricycles are careening by. Humanity is trying to coexist, barely fed, clothed and sheltered.

The sites of non existent housing is stomach turning. What happens when it rains? What kind of life flourishes here? What happened to the government funds that should have alleviated this dark and horrific living situation?

Something has to be done, someone has to interfere, stop the degradation of human life in this place!

Check out the work of Project Pearls, a non-profit that cares!




